The Peace Crane Project
For the past 4 years, students studying Global Issues have taken part in an exchange project called the Peace Crane Project. In short, it is a “take action for peace” project.
In the most basic form of this project, students in both countries fold a paper crane and write worlds of encouragement or kindness on the wing. Before COVID, we exchanged the paper cranes and letters to schools in Brazil, Mexico and the USA. Once A few years ago, we began an online exchange with students sending photos of themselves holding the cranes and exchanging messages online.
This year, students in Class 3-2 and 1-7 were able to carry out an online exchange with students in Nairobi, Kenya at a school in the Mathare Slums. After exchanging photos with their paper cranes, students in Class 3-2 prepared presentations to teach the Kenyan students about Japanese culture and in turn, the Kenyan students shared a little about their own country and culture. We held 2 one-hour ZOOM sessions.
The project was also carried out with Class 1-7. Students in 1-7 sang their chorus competition song for the Kenyan students and then listened to a traditional song and culture presentations by the students in Nairobi. Later, both sides asked and answered questions about each other’s daily lives.
The principal at Motherway Education Center officiated the session on her side in her small office which houses the only access to the internet at their school. We have agreed to continue building the relationship between the two schools with Class 7 students through discussions and online projects.
2022年11月8日(火)と9日(水)に本校でグローバル・イシューズを学ぶ生徒たちは、過去4年間、「Peace Crane Project(」という交流プロジェクトに参加してきました。このプロジェクトを一言で言えば、「平和のために行動しよう」です。作家でイラストレーターであるスー・ディシコ氏が世界中の若者達が創造性を発揮し、自分を表現し、繋がれるよう立ち上げられました。毎年150ヶ国以上、数千人の若者が参加しています。