English Summer Camp
2018年7月25日から27日、グローバル文系コースの担任と高校1年生グローバル文系コースの生徒と本校へ留学してる生徒46名がEnglish Summer Campで、英語漬けの生活を楽しんできました。
My Report About English Camp(抜粋)
The event that I was the most excited in the 3 days of English Camp is classmate’s performance. They did dance,quizzes and so on. The one I liked the best is team Red Bergamot. The most tiring event is treasure hunting. The Weather was very nice and the outside was hot on that day. It was fun to cooperate with the team and work hard , especially the first challenge was fun. Some people felt tired but I enjoyed this a lot. We had BBQ , almost all the boys worked hard. I was tired because I have to grill the meats. But , I had a fun time with some other members.
[English Summer Campの様子]