Skype session with the students of University of Alabama
→ English→ 日本語
On November 30th the students in the Global science course had a Skype session with University of Alabama students who study Japanese there.
Divided into 9 groups, they gave presentations about Japan(Kobe).
After the presentations, they sang a song that they practiced for the Chorus Competition in front of Alabama students.What they gave a presentation about was ‘Kobe Beef’ ‘shrines’ ‘a day at Kobe Ryukoku high school’ ‘Japanese festival’ ‘Anime’ ‘Kitano foreign residence’ ‘Hanshin Awaji earthquake’ ‘Events at Kobe Ryukoku high school’ ‘Hyakunin Isshu’ respectively.
They made both Japanese and English scripts and created handmade slides on a sketchbook for preparation.
At their actual presentation, they did really well, despite being nervous to do a Skype session in English for the first time. The sketch book they worked on hard was able to entertain the students.
We received a message that because America doesn’t have a Chorus event like Japan, the students were amazed.
Through the communication with students in America, measuring their English levels by themselves.
Reinforcing a motivation and improving their English
November 30th ,2018
Kobe Ryukoku highschool AL COMMONS
1st year high school Global science course students(24 students)
Students in University of Alabama(14 students)
1. introduction
2. greeting by a student from Kobe Ryukoku high school
3. presentation about Japan
4. Showing a chorus
5. Q & A time
6. taking a picture
7. closing
Since we have few opportunities to talk with people overseas except our native teachers, we had a great time talking with people living America in English through Skype.
I was happy that they appeared to be interested in our presentations and asked us some questions afterwards. What I was pleased about the most was that I was able to know there are people who are really interested in Japan. There must have been various choices when they chose what country or language they would study, but they chose Japan. That was really an honor. When they come to Japan in the future, I’d love to talk with them. So I realized I should study English harder.
(by a 1-7 student)
神戸龍谷高等学校 AL COMMONS
1. 挨拶・生徒、先生方の紹介
2. 本校の生徒による挨拶
3. 日本についてのプレゼン・各グループ、3~5分、その後質疑応答
4. 合唱コンクールの歌を披露
5. Q&Aタイム(アメリカに関する質問)
6. グループ写真
7. 終わりの挨拶